Don't Lose the Mustard Seed

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"So Jesus said to them, 'Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." -- Matthew 17:20

Imagine sitting in front of computer screen wondering how and why you let yourself procrastinate so hard on your biggest assignment of the semester. It's late in the night and you're stuck. Stuck in the library, stuck in your idle state of mind...just stuck. For the tenth time during the day you contemplated college and if you really and truly needed a degree that you're already owe debt to.

These types of thoughts aren't anything new to college students; especially to me. College is one intense roller-coaster ride that I appreciate everyday. So far during my experience I've noticed how easy it is to lose the mindset you originally came in. Majors and minors aren't the only thing that changes. Hope and faith are usually the first things to go.  

Maybe it's the ongoing stress, maybe bad adjustments to new atmospheres but college is the most impactful influence in a person's life. Yet, some can feel small and weak. Scared of the outcome that the decisions they're making can either advance or hinder them. Losing sight and hope that they will succeed in whatever life takes them.

But as I continue on this journey, I'm relearning how powerful faith can be. In simpler terms, I'm rediscovering my faith in the Lord and within myself. College has taught me that whatever I think my plan is, it will never be that of God's. I'm learning that it's okay to not be in control of everything because everything isn't up to me. My life has to be dedicated to fulfilling the vision that God gives me.

College has been experience to say the least. Mentally, emotionally and physically draining yet empowering. These past four years have shown me the power I truly posses in myself when I'm really down and out. That there has always been something greater for me despite my current situation. College has not only tested my faith but made me realize how much I was truly lacking it. Which would be surprising to some people but there were numerous times I've felt alone, anxious, and doubtful. 

However, there was only one voice that I could hear loudly telling me this is not the end and to not give up. Rediscovering who I am and what I stand for will always have to start with my stance with the Lord. 

So I'll end it with this never give up. Never doubt your ability or someone else's. But continue to pray for perseverance for all those you know and don't. 

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